Remember that time when your device lost 50% of battery life during the night because a gazillion services from careless apps kept keeping your device awake and you have no way to disable them?
Or when Facebook kept waking up your phone for no reason and you find no way to fix it other than uninstalling it?
Servicely to the rescue!
First of all make sure you're <b>ROOTED</b> (it won't work otherwise). You'll be able to select which apps will be put to sleep when the display goes off. Magic!
You can also disable/enable permanently any service on your device. It's useful if you have services that tend to auto-restart and keep your device awake, or if you have games sending you never-ending notifications.
This app is somewhat powerful so act responsibly when using it. I'm more than happy to help if you contact me :)
I take no responsibility for any fault caused by any procedures of the app. No warranties of any kind are given.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>